# Reactive vars

Reactive values that are directly set by code or by user interaction are represented by values of type Var<'T>. Vars are similar to F# ref<'T> in that they store a value of type 'T that you can get or set using the Value property. But they can additionally be reactively observed or two-way bound to HTML input elements.

The following UI helpers are from WebSharper.UI.Client, for more variants check the Doc module.

# Doc.Input

Creates an <input> element with given attributes that is bound to a Var<string>.

let varText = Var.Create "initial value"
let myInput = Doc.Input [attr.name "my-input"] varText

With the above code, once myInput has been inserted in the document, varText.Value yields what the user has entered, and setting it updates the value of the input control.

# Doc.IntInput and Doc.FloatInput

Creates an <input type="number"> bound to a Var<CheckedInput<_>> of the corresponding type (int or float, respectively). CheckedInput provides access to the validity and actual user input, and it is defined as follows:

type CheckedInput<'T> =
    | Valid of value: 'T * inputText: string
    | Invalid of inputText: string
    | Blank of inputText: string

CheckedInput.Invalid is returned when the input can not be parsed into a number.

# Doc.IntInputUnchecked and Doc.FloatInputUnchecked

Creates an <input type="number"> bound to a Var<_> of the corresponding type (int or float, respectively). These functions do not check for the validity of the user's input, so be sure to only rely on them in situations where this is acceptable. Otherwise, use Doc.IntInput or Doc.FloatInput instead.

# Doc.InputArea

Creates a <textarea> element bound to a Var<string>.

# Doc.PasswordBox

Creates an <input type="password"> element bound to a Var<string>.

# Doc.CheckBox

Creates an <input type="checkbox"> element bound to a Var<bool>.

# Doc.CheckBoxGroup

Creates an <input type="checkbox">, but instead of associating it with a simple Var<bool>, it associates it with a specific 'T in a Var<list<'T>>. If the box is checked, then the element is added to the list, otherwise it is removed.

type Color = Red | Green | Blue

// Initially, Green and Blue are checked.
let varColor = Var.Create [Blue; Green]

let mySelector =
    div [] [
        label [] [
            Doc.CheckBoxGroup [] Red varColor
            text " Select Red"
        label [] [
            Doc.CheckBoxGroup [] Green varColor
            text " Select Green"
        label [] [
            Doc.CheckBoxGroup [] Blue varColor
            text " Select Blue"
  <label><input type="checkbox" /> Select Red</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" checked /> Select Green</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" checked /> Select Blue</label>

varColor is bound to the list of ticked checkboxes.

# Doc.Select

Creates a <select> dropdown given a list of values to select from. The label of every <option> is determined by the given print function for the associated value.

type Color = Red | Green | Blue

// Initially, Green is checked.
let varColor = Var.Create Green

// Choose the text of the dropdown's options.
let showColor (c: Color) =
    sprintf "%A" c

let mySelector =
    Doc.Select [] showColor [Red; Green; Blue] varColor
  <option selected>Green</option>

varColor is bound to contain the selected color.

# Doc.Radio

Creates an <input type="radio"> given a value, which sets the given Var to that value when it is selected.

type Color = Red | Green | Blue

// Initially, Green is selected.
let varColor = Var.Create Green

let mySelector =
    div [] [
        label [] [
            Doc.Radio [] Red varColor
            text " Select Red"
        label [] [
            Doc.Radio [] Green varColor
            text " Select Green"
        label [] [
            Doc.Radio [] Blue varColor
            text " Select Blue"
  <label><input type="radio" /> Select Red</label>
  <label><input type="radio" checked /> Select Green</label>
  <label><input type="radio" /> Select Blue</label>

varColor is bound to contain the selected color.