# ListModels

ListModel<'K, 'T> is a convenient type to store an observable collection of items of type 'T. Items can be accessed using an identifier, or key, of type 'K.

ListModels are to dictionaries as Vars are to refs: a type with similar capabilities, but with the additional capability to be reactively observed, and therefore to have your UI automatically change according to changes in the stored content.

# Creating ListModels

You can create ListModels with the following functions:

# ListModel.FromSeq

Creates a ListModel where items are their own key.

let myNames = ListModel.FromSeq ["John"; "Ana"]

# ListModel.Create

Creates a ListModel using a given function to determine the key of an item.

type Person = { Username: string; Name: string }

let myPeople =
    ListModel.Create (fun p -> p.Username)
            { Username = "johnny87"; Name = "John" }
            { Username = "theana12"; Name = "Ana" }

(The examples on this page use the above Person type and myPeople model.)

# Modifying ListModels

Once you have a ListModel, you can modify its contents in a number of ways, see below.

# listModel.Add

Inserts an item into the model. If there is already an item with the same key, this item is replaced.

myPeople.Add { Username = "mynameissam"; Name = "Sam" }
// myPeople now contains John, Ana and Sam.

myPeople.Add { Username = "johnny87"; Name = "Johnny" }
// myPeople now contains Johnny, Ana and Sam.

# listModel.RemoveByKey

Removes the item from the model that has the given key. If there is no such item, then nothing happens.

myPeople.RemoveByKey "theana12"
// myPeople now contains John.

myPeople.RemoveByKey "chloe94"
// myPeople now contains John.

# listModel.Remove

Removes the item from the model that has the same key as the given item. It is effectively equivalent to listModel.RemoveByKey(getKey x), where getKey is the key function passed to ListModel.Create and x is the argument to Remove.

myPeople.Remove { Username = "theana12"; Name = "Another Ana" }
// myPeople now contains John.

# listModel.Set

Sets the entire contents of the model, discarding the previous contents.

myPeople.Set [
    { Username = "chloe94"; Name = "Chloe" };
    { Username = "a13x"; Name = "Alex" }
// myPeople now contains Chloe, Alex.

# listModel.Clear

Removes all items from the model.

// myPeople now contains no items.

# listModel.UpdateBy

Updates the item with the given key. If the function returns None or the item is not found, nothing is done.

myPeople.UpdateBy (fun u -> Some { u with Name = "The Real Ana" }) "theana12"
// myPeople now contains John, The Real Ana.

myPeople.UpdateBy (fun u -> None) "johnny87"
// myPeople now contains John, The Real Ana.

# listModel.UpdateAll

Updates all the items of the model. If the function returns None, the corresponding item is unchanged.

myPeople.UpdateAll (fun u -> 
    if u.Username.Contains "ana" then
        Some { u with Name = "The Real Ana" }
// myPeople now contains John, The Real Ana.

# listModel.Lens

Creates an Var<'T> that does not have its own separate storage, but is bound to the value for a given key.

let john : Var<Person> = myPeople.Lens "johnny87"

# listModel.LensInto

Creates an Var<'T> that does not have its own separate storage, but is bound to a part of the value for a given key.

let varJohnsName : Var<string> =
    myPeople.LensInto "johnny87" (fun p -> p.Name) (fun p n -> { p with Name = n })

// The following input field edits John's name directly in the listModel.
let editJohnsName = Doc.Input [] varJohnsName

# Reactively observing ListModels

The main purpose for using a ListModel is to be able to reactively observe it.

# listModel.View

Gives a View<seq<'T>> that reacts to changes to the model.

The following example creates an HTML list of people which is automatically updated based on the contents of the model.

open WebSharper.UI.Client
open WebSharper.UI.Html

let myPeopleList =
    |> Doc.BindView (fun people ->
        ul [] [
            |> Seq.map (fun p -> li [] [text p.Name])
            |> Doc.Concat

# listModel.ViewState

Is equivalent to View, except that it returns a View<ListModelState<'T>>. Here are the differences:

  • ViewState provides better performance.
  • ListModelState<'T> implements seq<'T>, but it additionally provides indexing and length of the sequence.
  • However, a ViewState is only valid until the next change to the model.

As a summary, it is generally better to use ViewState. You only need to choose View if you need to store the resulting seq separately.

# listModel.Map

Reactively maps a function on each item. It is similar to the View.MapSeqCached family of functions: it is optimized so that the mapping function is not called again on every item when the content changes, but only on changed items. There are two variants:

# Map(f: 'T -> 'V)

Assumes that the item with a given key does not change. It is equivalent to View.MapSeqCachedBy using the ListModel's key function.

let myDoc =
    myPeople.Map(fun p ->
        Console.Log p.Username
        p [] [text p.Name]
    |> Doc.BindView Doc.Concat
    |> Doc.RunAppend JS.Document.Body
// Logs johnny87, theana12
// Displays John, Ana

// We add an item with a key that doesn't exist yet,
// so the mapping function is called for it and the result is added.
myPeople.Add { Username = "mynameissam"; Name = "Sam" }
// Logs mynameissam
// Displays John, Ana, Sam

// We change the value for an existing key,
// so this change is ignored by Map.
myPeople.Add { Username = "johnny87"; Name = "Johnny" }
// Logs nothing, since no key has been added
// Displays John, Ana, Sam (unchanged)

# Map(f: 'K -> View<'T> -> 'V)

Additionally observes changes to individual items that are updated. It is equivalent to View.MapSeqCachedViewBy using the ListModel's key function.

myPeople.Map(fun k vp ->
    Console.Log k
    p [] [text (vp.V.Name)]
|> Doc.BindView Doc.Concat
|> Doc.RunAppend JS.Document.Body
// Logs johnny87, theana12
// Displays John, Ana

// We add an item with a key that doesn't exist yet,
// so the mapping function is called for it and the result is added.
myPeople.Add { Username = "mynameissam"; Name = "Sam" }
// Logs mynameissam
// Displays John, Ana, Sam

// We change the value for an existing key,
// so the mapping function is not called again
// but the View's value is updated.
myPeople.Add { Username = "johnny87"; Name = "Johnny" }
// Here we changed the value for an existing key
// Logs nothing, since no key has been added
// Displays Johnny, Ana, Sam (changed!)

Note that in both cases, only the current state is kept in memory: if you remove an item and insert it again, the function will be called again.

# listModel.MapLens

Is similar to the second Map method above, except that it passes an Var<'T> instead of a View<'T>. This makes it possible to edit list items within the mapping function.

let myDoc =
    myPeople.MapLens(fun k vp ->
        label [] [
            text (vp.V.Username + ": ")
            Doc.InputV [] vp.V.Name
    |> Doc.BindView Doc.Concat

# listModel.Doc

Is similar to Map, but the function must return a Doc and the resulting Docs are concatenated. It is similar to the Doc.BindSeqCached family of functions.

# listModel.DocLens

Like MapLens but concatenating the resulting Docs.

# listModel.TryFindByKeyAsView

Gives a View on the item that has the given key, or None if it is absent.

let showJohn =
    |> Doc.BindView (function
        | None -> text "He is not here."
        | Some u -> text (sprintf "He is here, and his name is %s." u.Name)

# listModel.FindByKeyAsView

Is equivalent to TryFindByKeyAsView, except that when there is no item with the given key, an exception is thrown.

# listModel.ContainsKeyAsView

Gives a View on whether there is an item with the given key. It is equivalent to (but more optimized than):

View.Map Option.isSome (listModel.TryFindByKeyAsView(k))