# JSON format

This page describes how F# values (and C# objects) are converted to JSON by the functions available in WebSharper.Json.

# Customization

If you would like to customize the default JSON representation, the following attributes are available (see examples in the sections below):

  • [<Name>] to customize field names in F# records and union cases in discriminated unions (DUs).

  • [<NamedUnionCases>] to customize the name of the discriminator field that determines which DU shape the value holds.

  • [<Constant>] to represent DU cases as constants/literals.

  • [<DateTimeFormat>] (server-side only) to customize the format used for System.DateTime values.

  • [<System.Serializable>] to mark C#/F# classes to be JSON serializable.

# Base types

The following base types are handled:

  • signed and unsigned integers: uint8 (byte)/int8, uint16/int16, uint32/int32 (int), uint64/int64
  • floats: single, double (float)
  • decimals: decimal
  • strings: string
  • booleans: bool
F# Output
Content.Json 12y 12
Content.Json 12ul 12
Content.Json 12.34 12.34
Content.Json 12.34m 12.34
Content.Json """A string with some "content" inside""" "A string with some "content" inside"
Content.Json true true

# Collections

  • Values of type list<'T>, 'T[] and Set<'T> are represented as JSON arrays.
  • Values of type Map<string, 'T> and System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, 'T> are represented as flat JSON objects.
  • Other Map and Dictionary values are represented as an array of key-value pairs.
F# Output
Content.Json [|"a string"; "another string"|] ["a string", "another string"]
Content.Json (Set ["a string"; "another string"]) ["another string", "a string"]
Content.Json (Map [("somekey", 12); ("otherkey", 34)]) {"somekey": 12, "otherkey": 34}
Content.Json (Map [(1, 12); (3, 34)]) [[1, 12], [3, 34]]

# Tuples

Tuples (including struct tuples) are also represented as JSON arrays:

F# Output
Content.Json ("a string", "another string") ["a string", "another string"]
Content.Json (struct ("a string", "another string") ["another string", "a string"]

# Records

F# records are represented as flat JSON objects. The attribute [<Name "name">] can be used to customize the field name:

type Name =
        [<Name "first-name">] FirstName: string
        LastName: string

type User =
        name: Name
        age: int

Content.Json { name={ FirstName="John"; LastName="Doe" }; age=42 }
{"name": {"first-name": "John", "LastName": "Doe"}, "age": 42}

# Unions

Union types intended for use in JSON serialization should optimally bear the attribute NamedUnionCases for producing fully readable JSON format. There are two ways to use it, specifying a field name to hold the union case name, or signaling that the case should be inferred from the field names. If no NamedUnionCases is present, a "$" field will be used for storing the case index.

# Explicit discriminator

With [<NamedUnionCases "field">], the union value is represented as a JSON object with a field called "field", whose value is the name of the union case, and as many other fields as the union case has arguments. You can use [<Name "name">] to customize the name of a union case.

[<NamedUnionCases "kind">]
type Contact =
    | [<Name "address">] Address of street:string * zip:string * city:string
    | Email of email:string

        Address("12 Random St.", "15243", "Unknownville")
        Email "[email protected]"
    {"kind": "address",
     "street": "12 Random St.",
     "zip": "15243",
     "city": "Unknownville"},
    {"kind": "Email",
     "email": "[email protected]"}

Unnamed arguments receive the names Item1, Item2, etc.

Missing the [<NamedUnionCases>] attribute, the case names would be not stored in a readable form:

type Contact =
    | Address of street:string * zip:string * city:string
    | Email of email:string

        Address("12 Random St.", "15243", "Unknownville")
        Email "[email protected]"
    {"$": 0,
     "street": "12 Random St.",
     "zip": "15243",
     "city": "Unknownville"},
    {"$": 1,
     "email": "[email protected]"}

# Implicit discriminator

With an argumentless [<NamedUnionCases>], no extra field is added to determine the union case; instead, it is inferred from the names of the fields present. This means that each case must have at least one mandatory field that no other case in the same type has, or a compile-time error will be thrown.

type Contact =
    | Address of street:string * zip:string * city:string
    | Email of email: string

        Address("12 Random St.", "15243", "Unknownville")
        Email "[email protected]"
    {"street": "12 Random St.",
     "zip": "15243",
     "city": "Unknownville"},
    {"email": "[email protected]"}

# Record inside union

As a special case, if a union case has a single, unnamed record argument, then the fields of this record are used as the fields of the output object.

type Address = { street: string; zip: string; city: string }

type Contact =
    | Address of Address
    | Email of email:string

        Address {
            street = "12 Random St."
            zip = "15243"
            city = "Unknownville"
        Email "[email protected]"
    {"street": "12 Random St.",
     "zip": "15243",
     "city": "Unknownville"},
    {"email": "[email protected]"}

# Optional fields

Fields with type option<'T> are represented as a field that may or may not be there. This is the case both for unions and records.

type Contact =
    | Address of street:string * zip:string * city:string option
    | Email of email:string

type User =
        fullName: string
        age: int option
        contact: Contact

            fullName = "John Doe"
            age = Some 42
            contact = Address("12 Random St.", "15243", Some "Unknownville")
            fullName = "Jane Doe"
            age = None
            contact = Address("53 Alea St.", "51423", None)
    {"fullName": "John Doe",
     "age": 42,
     "contact":{"street": "12 Random St.",
                "zip": "15243",
                "city": "Unknownville"}},
    {"fullName": "Jane Doe",
     "contact":{"street": "53 Alea St.",
                "zip": "51423"}}

When parsing JSON, null is also accepted as a None value.

# Constant cases

Union cases annotated with the attribute [<Constant "c">] are represented as the corresponding constant, which can be a string, int, float or bool. It is recommended to only use this attribute on argument-less cases. If all cases of a union are annotated with [<Constant>], then [<NamedUnionCases>] is not necessary.

type Color =
    | [<Constant "blue">] Blue
    | [<Constant "red">] Red
    | [<Constant "green">] Green

Content.Json [Blue; Red; Green]

# Classes

In order to be serializable to/from JSON on the server-side, a class must be annotated with the [<System.Serializable>] attribute and must have a default constructor. On the client-side, these are not checked or required. Then, it is serialized based on its fields, similarly to F# records as mentioned above. Here is an example in C#:

public class User
    Name name;
    int age;
    public User() { }

    public User(Name name, int age)
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

public class Name
    [Name("first-name")] string firstName;
    string lastName;
    public Name() { }

    public Name(string firstName, string lastName)
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
Content.Json(User(Name("John", "Doe"), 36))
{"name": {"first-name": "John", "lastName": "Doe"}, "age": 36}

# DateTimes

Values of type System.DateTime are encoded using an ISO 8601 round-trip format string:

Content.Json System.DateTime.UtcNow

The format can be customized with the [<DateTimeFormat>] attribute. This attribute can be placed either on a record field of type System.DateTime , or option<System.DateTime>, or on a union case with an argument of one of these types.

open System

type MyType =
        [<DateTimeFormat "yyyy-MM-dd">] DateOnly:DateTime

Content.Json { DateOnly = DateTime.UtcNow }
{ DateOnly: "2015-03-24" }
type MyTime =
    | [<DateTimeFormat("time", "HH.mm.ss")>] Time of time:DateTime

Content.Json (Time DateTime.UtcNow)
{ time: "15.03.32" }

Note, however, that [<DateTimeFormat>] is only available on the server side; this attribute is ignored by client-side serialization.