# Prerequisites

WebSharper applications are ASP.NET Core applications, and to develop and build them you pretty much only need a .NET SDK. However, we also recommend you install the WebSharper CLI, your favorite IDE with F# support, and the Azure SDK and CLI:


  • .NET 6.0.100 SDK or higher, available from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download. The SDK contains the dotnet CLI tool that you can use to install WebSharper project templates, compile and run projects, and prepare deployment packages.

# WebSharper CLI

The WebSharper CLI is a dotnet tool that helps streamline building applications and manage compiler runtimes.

You can install it using dotnet:

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ws


You need an IDE to work with WebSharper projects effectively. We recommend one of the following:

# Cloud tools

  • Azure SDK - to work with the az CLI tool to deploy your WebSharper applications to Azure.